Road Less Traveled

People are always trying to give me advice, Meg.. I think you should wait. Meg.. I don’t think that is in your best interest. Do we follow our instinct or do we listen to the advice given by others? It’s a tough decision. It can be a constant battle within ourselves to choose what we think is the right decision. Sometimes, there is never a right decision. It’s a matter of taking a path that has once been traveled or taking the path less traveled. One trail has a beautiful path already made for you. You can follow it knowing its safe, your protected and will get to where you ‘suppose’ to go. But, the road less traveled.. what does it entail? Goodness, the mystery of it all can be quite overwhelming. The emotions of feeling overwhelmed;  anxiety, stress, fear of the.. unknown. That word is scary isn’t it? The unknown. It must lead to scary things. Do we know? How will we ever know what the road less traveled has for us? What if that road never ends? A life filled with unknown adventures. I think that is life that I am living. It can scare some people. In fact, it worries most. I have been described as free-spirited, somebody who flies by the seat of her pants. To some that can translate in irresponsibility. But, I disagree. It’s a beautiful thing that society can allow you to not participate in the traditions of what life has expected for you. What do people expect you ask? I am not sure. I cannot meet up to the expectations of others and neither can you. We have the freedom to make decisions that we feel are best for us. What we can do is dare ourselves to live the life we imagine. If people doubt you, trust in yourself that what you are doing is right for you. The next time somebody questions your decisions tell them, “I am taking the road less traveled and making it my own.”

Cheers to being you.

Peace and Love,
