Road Less Traveled

People are always trying to give me advice, Meg.. I think you should wait. Meg.. I don’t think that is in your best interest. Do we follow our instinct or do we listen to the advice given by others? It’s a tough decision. It can be a constant battle within ourselves to choose what we think is the right decision. Sometimes, there is never a right decision. It’s a matter of taking a path that has once been traveled or taking the path less traveled. One trail has a beautiful path already made for you. You can follow it knowing its safe, your protected and will get to where you ‘suppose’ to go. But, the road less traveled.. what does it entail? Goodness, the mystery of it all can be quite overwhelming. The emotions of feeling overwhelmed;  anxiety, stress, fear of the.. unknown. That word is scary isn’t it? The unknown. It must lead to scary things. Do we know? How will we ever know what the road less traveled has for us? What if that road never ends? A life filled with unknown adventures. I think that is life that I am living. It can scare some people. In fact, it worries most. I have been described as free-spirited, somebody who flies by the seat of her pants. To some that can translate in irresponsibility. But, I disagree. It’s a beautiful thing that society can allow you to not participate in the traditions of what life has expected for you. What do people expect you ask? I am not sure. I cannot meet up to the expectations of others and neither can you. We have the freedom to make decisions that we feel are best for us. What we can do is dare ourselves to live the life we imagine. If people doubt you, trust in yourself that what you are doing is right for you. The next time somebody questions your decisions tell them, “I am taking the road less traveled and making it my own.”

Cheers to being you.

Peace and Love,


Change doesn’t have to be Location.

I HAVE to have change every so often. I hope my future husband learns to love that about me. I recently backpacked Europe this summer and I was given a lot of time to self-reflect. I learned I love meeting new people and especially learning their culture. I quit my job before I left and had open arms to what this summer was going to bring me. The first few countries I went to, I felt like an outsider. A foreigner. The few people who were nice to me were refugees, forced out of their country because of war. Sad. I’m an American and ironically the few that showed me compassion towards me were all from the Middle East. It made my heart happy to see the kindness that we shared with each other. My trip was a smoother experience later on in the weeks. But, I would say the first two weeks was the best learning experience I could ever ask for.

Traveling shows you a new world and opens your eyes to life outside of your comfort zone. I left the United States with hopes of learning new cultures, what I didn’t know is how I would come back to the U.S as a proud citizen. It’s so easy to see our countries mistakes, we are all guilty of that. When you are away you begin to appreciate the beautiful things the U.S does offer. I learned I have the ability to create whatever life I want! I currently reside in the Midwest. I claim California as well, my heart has always been on the coast. This summer I have decided on making a lot of changes. I want more music. More bike rides. More farmers market. More yoga. More adventures. I was settled and comfortable, taking for granted all of those things I {could} be doing.

I stayed with many GREAT people on my summer trip. One of them I met on WordPress! I know that sounds a bit scary, but I trusted my instincts. He opened his home, friends and life to me. My friend, Sara, traveled with me and also loves him as well 🙂 (David) Never be too good in any situation to make a friend. I was shown a lot of compassion on this trip. My hope for myself is to share that same compassion towards others, the world. When I get settled in I want to open my home to The most important thing I have learned is this.. No matter where you go, who you meet; you have one opportunity. To learn. And apply what you have learned by having an open-mind with the world.

No, I can’t just get up and go whenever I feel stuck. But, I can take every opportunity I can to learn from what the world has to show me.

“When you change your thoughts, you change your world.”    -Norman Vincent Peale

Much LOVE,


I hope you know how beautiful you are.

I wanted to talk about things I have constantly been thinking about. Things I am working on; some days struggling with and other days feeling motivated. Why is it that we have such expectations for ourselves to be perfect? We critique everything about ourselves, so we can be the best version of ourselves. It can be a positive thing when we do so to create a better world, but when we have selfish motives it becomes toxic not only for others but yourself. When your entire thoughts are consumed of yourself, it is quite exhausting. We all want to run away from the problem, except we are the problem. How does one run away from themselves? I think the most self-reflecting question I can ask you is this, “What do you think about?” Every day, all day, “What do you think about?”

I know I haven’t written in forever, but I have been focusing on that question quite a bit. And how I can change that focus from me, to others. Instead of saying how can I perfect myself, I am trying to ask, “How can I help others?” Perfection will never ever be achieved. The most beautiful thing on someone is a smile. True happiness and joy come from within. Physical appearances may bring temporary happiness but inner beauty lasts forever. I truly hate to admit that I have been so selfish in wasting such precious life I do have, on myself. “How can I look beautiful? How many times can I workout today?” What about, “How can I make others see that THEY are beautiful?” I have asked my friends what most of their thoughts consume of and sadly enough, I wish I could change them! I want so badly to follow them around saying,  “That person just had a bad day, do not analyze yourself because you are absolutely beautiful. Don’t let their words affect you, you are wonderful. You don’t have to be perfect, I love you just the way you are.”  Such gentle words, yet so hard to believe.  Especially when we say these words to ourselves.

I am doing my best to be Forever Beautiful, not only for myself, but for you. I hope you know how beautiful you are.




Contradicting Love for Life

As I was driving in my jeep, sitting at a stop light, I saw the leaves flying in the sky as if they were talking to me. Telling me to keep my free spirit going. Keep my head up and my heart open. The sky was purple and yellow, so colorful. I sat at the stop light daydreaming; remembering the feeling of excitement, hope. Life was telling me I had something to look forward to. Feeling the wind and watching the leaves swirl around was a breath of fresh air. Taking the time to notice the beauty that life has to offer saves me. Day by day it saves me. As each day goes on, the crazy pattern of life yet the excitement of not knowing whats going to happen next is my contradicting love for life. There are opportunities to learn everywhere you look. I’m realizing life is about breathing in the moment. Truly listening to the present, balancing that craving to know whats ahead and that regret of what’s behind. Just listen. Allow your thoughts to fade away, as you look into the present moment of today.

Inner Beauty

I’m a girl, that hopes to make a difference in the world. By learning to love myself and loving others unconditionally. You are beautiful now and forever is something I truly believe. True inner beauty never fades.

Everything we want and everything we need is and always will be free. Go on a walk, hike, bike ride, anything outside; you’ll find that the true healing is from Mother Nature. Where there is peace everywhere, the beautiful flower growing from the ground; the wind, rain, everything is against that little flower, but it still stands? I put a question mark on that because I want you to think how and why? It is meant to be beautiful; it stands tall because that is what Mother Nature intended it to be. But why? It grows in dirt. Odds are against it, yet it still stands and continues to grow. We have so much to learn from the Earth, why look to human beings; society to set the examples for us? You have one life to live, please, don’t waste it allowing your thoughts to tell you things you are not. We all are beautiful, interesting, different. Love it. Nature intended you to be that way, love the beauty in it. I think it’s wonderful to try to better ourselves, but to think we’re not worthy of being beautiful and confident without material things is truly sad to me. Any time you start to question who you are, just think, “There is no one else like me. I am one of a kind.” Even identical twins have different personalities. That is our truest gift; the freedom of our thoughts and the freedom to be who we want to be. Embrace yourself. Don’t waste your life trying to please others, love yourself and others will be drawn to that. I look at it as a puppy, if you can love a puppy, feed, water and love it unconditionally just because it’s alive, then why can’t I do the same for myself? After all, love is the key to true success.

~I am dedicating this to you. When you feel as if there is nothing left; Look within.

A part of my first chapter in my book, I hope it inspires you

Stepping Stone

I’m always in the same routine. School, work, school, work. NOTHING else. Sometimes I think of running away to somewhere exotic, Switzerland or New Zealand. Am I running away from my routine or is it my state of mind? Being responsible is something I’ve always known. When I was in Venice Beach, seeing the hobos have no worries, fears, or responsibilities was something I was quite envious of. They wake up with no expectations of anything and just enjoy day by day. Smiling at everyone, enjoying the people and music around them. What was it that was so good about their life, that wasn’t in mine? Their state of mind. They’ve seen the worse they possibly could have, they know their life can only get better. Today has been a continuous cycle of pattern, but is it me just saying the same bad thoughts over and over? I’m usually quite the optimistic person, but I am one for adventure and love surprises in life. Right now, my life is just the opposite. I know this is just temporary, I’m working my heart out to save money to have enough money to move. I’m doing this to myself? Happiness is a state of mind NOT a location. There is beauty everywhere, I just need to find it. Today’s continuous pattern has helped me realize, life isn’t always a field of flowers. But how fortunate am I, that I have the freedom to create my own future? That is exactly what I am doing. Waking up and creating my own future. Each day, each routine, is a stepping stone to my dreams. Isn’t it amazing that with each negative thought, we have the ability to learn? Life is beautiful that way. I will continue my routine – taking a breath of fresh air – knowing I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.